3 Months On Mars: Perseverance

10 months ago

In just 3 short months, the Perseverance rover has captured over 70,000 images, multiple audio recordings and more than 4 videos of the Mars helicopter in flight.

Strange noises, undisclosed family portraits and relics brought from Earth are some of the things revealed over the first leg of this incredible mission.

This is 3 Months on Mars.

18th February, 2021. The Perseverance rover makes history by recording its descent and landing.

A coded message is hidden in the colouring of the parachute, which reads the phrase: ‘Dare Mighty Things’.

The heat shield is released, giving us a clear surface view.

The landing is fully automated; the craft is now checking for the best spot to land.

The sky-crane manoeuvre is initiated.

The video footage you are watching is being transmitted to the rover through a cable before the cable is cut and the descent stage flies away to crash land.

Watch the video to find out what happens to the Perseverance rover and Ingenuity helicopter after landing!

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