Three Unknown Truths of John 3:16 - What Is Real Christianity?

10 months ago

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Have you ever wondered why some people reject Christianity? Some professing Christians teach doctrines that to any thinking person seem totally strange and unreasonable. For example, some teach that even if you never hear the name of Jesus Christ during your lifetime, you will be tormented in hell-fire for eternity! No wonder many reject Christianity based on a false and patently UN-fair teaching! Billions of people in the history of the world have never even heard of Jesus Christ. To condemn them to eternal torment with NO chance for salvation is totally unfair, illogical, and in fact un-biblical. Yet, this is NOT what your Bible teaches! You need to know what your Bible REALLY teaches about the Christianity of Jesus Christ, genuine biblical Christianity!

Thousands of books have been written about Jesus Christ and Christianity. But have they relied on the true source for accurate facts and information? The Bible reveals the true Christ and true Christianity.

My friends, can you prove from the Bible where to find the true Church Jesus of Nazareth founded? The Apostle John testified, in your Bible, to the character of Jesus Christ, and the Church He founded. In fact, when you truly understand what is often called the “golden verse of the Bible,” you will be able to prove what constitutes Original Christianity. We’ll be offering you an inspiring free study guide that will answer some of the deeper mysteries of Christianity. It’s titled, JOHN 3:16, HIDDEN TRUTHS OF THE GOLDEN VERSE. Have you wondered why there are so many apparent contradictions in the practice of traditional Christianity? Which should you choose? Traditional Christianity or Biblical Christianity? Just what is Biblical Christianity? You need to know the truth from your own Bible!

Stay tuned!

Warm greetings to all our friends around the world!

There are many forms of religion around the world. Can they all know and practice the truth of God?
An April 2017 Pew Research Forum report found that there are about 2.3 billion professing Christians around the world. That’s 31 percent of planet Earth’s 7.3 billion people! [SOURCE: ] Listen to this amazing fact: The World Christian Encyclopedia identifies at least 33,000 Christian denominations, with 9,000 of those classified as “Protestant” and 22,000 as “Independents.”

These thousands of denominations disagree among themselves in many of their doctrines, teachings and beliefs. They can’t all be right! Yet millions take for granted the traditions, doctrines, and concepts taught by their denomination, without ever proving it for themselves. That’s why we challenge you on Tomorrow’s World to check what we say in your own Bible! That’s the only way you can know the truth! Remember what Jesus said in John 8:31, “Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, ‘If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the TRUTH, and the truth shall make you free.’”

But where can you find true Christianity on planet earth? Where can you find a religion that is solidly based on the Bible? On today’s program, we’ll examine exciting biblical facts and answer those questions. In fact, the golden verse, also called the precious verse of the Bible, will reveal amazing truths that have been hidden from many professing Christians. And we’ll be offering you an eye-opening free booklet that you may find startling in its revelation. It’s titled, JOHN 3:16: HIDDEN TRUTHS OF THE GOLDEN VERSE. This informative free booklet will give you the surprising biblical facts that explain why there is so much confusion in the HUNDREDS of major professing Christian denominations, and the THOUSANDS of minor ones. And it will show you from the Bible, the characteristics of genuine Christianity. This exciting free booklet will help you find the answers you need! Be sure to write down the address and phone number to request your free copy of JOHN 3:16: HIDDEN TRUTHS OF THE GOLDEN VERSE. You can also order this booklet on our Web site at

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