Taiwan Is the Real China

1 year ago

by Peter Falkenberg Brown / The FalkenBrown Show
The Love, Freedom, & the World Project

Taiwan Is the Real China.
The “People’s” Republic of China is an Illegitimate Dictatorship

This is easy to prove.

All dictatorships are illegitimate, because all dictatorships deny and crush the
most essential traits of human beings: free will, creativity, and love.
. . .
But let’s consider for a moment the moral status of Taiwan compared to the CCP.
And I say “CCP”—not “Mainland China”—because the communists in China are a
minority of fascists who have enslaved their citizens and do not represent the
hearts and minds of their people.

Slavery is the dividing line. The CCP might say that they don’t practice
slavery, but enslaving an entire society under a totalitarian system of
oppression fits the bill. It’s not just China, of course. North Korea, Iran,
Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Venezuela, and every other repressive regime in the world
can be succinctly labeled as a country of “illegitimate slavers.”


China, Taiwan, CCP, Communist China, Xi Jinping, Slavery, Totalitarianism

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