Masks 2.0 is coming! Sorry, masks are worthless, not gonna' comply but now, not gonna' be so nice!

1 year ago

This gentleman says it all. Supposedly the Biden criminal regime is going to start ramping up the use of masks for the next made up plandemic. I've heard that over 100 universities are going to require masks to attend classes. Mask mania is about to replay in the U.S. and the world.

Masks are just the start of the madness.

Let me remind you by more details I posted almost a year ago:

Here were my comments and they all still apply:

Germany announced new mask mandates and lockdowns and Australia has implemented a new three color tier mask mandate that is based on the "freshness" of your vaccination! Go a few months and you'll be required to get a new jab to insure you are moving towards physical disability or death.

Come on everyone. Grow a backbone.

Say No to masks which are worthless - might as well try and stop a mosquito with a chain link fence! Say no to the jab - the evidence is piling up of the many deaths being recorded with some sort of "unknown death" like sudden adult death syndrome (SAD) that those who have had multiple jabs are dying FAR more then those who have had no vaccination.

Get a jab, ruin your immune system and be staring a disability or death in a few years.

Wear a mask and get yourself breathing back in your carbon dioxide exhalations - that is just not good for the body. Just say nope, not wearing a mask and stand your ground. If a store demands a mask, just don't shop at that store.

And finally, here is one of the best videos (and funny as all get out) I posted on the mask mania:

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