EPOCH TV | Dr. Mary Talley Bowden: Covid Mandates, FBA Lawsuit

10 months ago

Dr. Mary Talley Bowden Says Her Lawsuit Against the FDA is About Protecting the Doctor-Patient Relationship

"The purpose of the lawsuit is to put the FDA back in their lane and take them out of the doctor-patient relationship...and keep this from happening again. Because if we don't do anything and let this slide, it just emboldens them. And the next time around they're just getting a tighter grip on the doctor-patient relationship."

"Mandates go completely against medical ethics, bodily autonomy, first do no harm. We have safe and effective treatment using off-label medications, such as ivermectin, that obviate the need for a vaccine."

Dr. Mary Talley Bowden is an ENT specialist who was suspended from Houston Methodist Hospital and reported to the Texas Medical Board after speaking out against vaccine mandates and prescribing ivermectin to patients.
"It is inconceivable to me that your employer can tell you what you have to inject in your body. It's just complete insanity," says Dr. Bowden.

Today, Dr. Bowden is suing the FDA for intervening in the doctor-patient relationship, which Dr. Bowden claims falls outside of its authority.

"We use off-label medications all the time. The best example that I can think of is a medication called Neurontin, or gabapentin. And it has three FDA indications, but off-label uses? I counted 22 off-label uses. It's very widely used," says Dr. Bowden.

"It'd be like if they went online and said, 'Okay, Neurontin? Don't use it for pain' ... So many doctors use it for pain. That's not the indication. But you'd never see the FDA going after Neurontin for that online like they did with ivermectin."

FULL interview:





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