Daily Energy Standup Episode #195 - Weekly Recap: Russia's Resurgent Gas Exports to Europe...

10 months ago

Episode #195 - Weekly Recap: Russia's Resurgent Gas Exports to Europe, Contrasting Blackouts, California's Pricy Fuel Station, and US Gasoline Woes Impacting Election

Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 - Intro
01:23 - Russia’s Pipeline and Gas Exports to Europe Pick up
04:55 - 2003 Northeast Blackout and how today’s blackouts differ
10:26 - Despite few buyers, California may pay 300 million for a fuel station.
13:11 - Rising gasoline prices in the US are starting to put pressure on the Biden administration in the run up to next year's election
17:51 - Governor Josh SHAPIRO is wrong Approach to grid reliability.
21:11 - Outro

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