How to get your body back after having a baby

4 years ago

A funny video showing how much moms ALREADY do to workout 😂

Have you had a baby or 5 and are feeling pressure to "get your body back"? This video is for you. It's a cheerful funny reminder of all the things we are already doing to get exercise, and an encouragement to take care of yourself. Your body was never gone, it's been here all along doing the miraculous work of growing & caring for babies. Take care of yourself & do whatever you can to make this exhausting stage of motherhood fun.. if that means getting in a postpartum workout then do it! But if that means reading a good book and enjoying some ice cream then go ahead and do that. Trust John Mayer on this one, "Your body is a wonderland."

See you on instagram! @jess_hover

Don't forget to like the video & share it with mama friends who need to smile today. :)

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