05 Common Behaviors That Kill Relationshipđź’”

9 months ago

Common Behaviors that kill relationship

Relationships are complex and dynamic, and they require constant care and attention from both partners. However, sometimes we may engage in behaviors that can damage or even destroy our relationship, often without realizing it. Here are some of the most common behaviors that kill relationship and how to avoid them.

- Criticism: Criticism is when we attack our partner's personality or character, rather than focusing on a specific behavior or situation. Criticism can make our partner feel rejected, unloved, and inadequate. Instead of criticizing, we should use constructive feedback that is specific, positive, and respectful.
- Contempt: Contempt is when we show disrespect, sarcasm, mockery, or ridicule to our partner. Contempt can make our partner feel worthless, inferior, and despised. Instead of showing contempt, we should express appreciation, admiration, and gratitude for our partner.
- Defensiveness: Defensiveness is when we deny responsibility, blame our partner, or make excuses for our actions. Defensiveness can make our partner feel unheard, invalidated, and frustrated. Instead of being defensive, we should listen empathically, acknowledge our mistakes, and apologize sincerely.
- Stonewalling: Stonewalling is when we withdraw from the conversation, shut down emotionally, or give the silent treatment to our partner. Stonewalling can make our partner feel abandoned, ignored, and hopeless.
#Relationship #Behaviors #partners #avoid

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