Golden Retriever's day at the beach turns fatal after eating a poisonous fish

7 years ago

They say a cat has 9 lives, but how many do dogs get ??
This young Pup is now onto his second after this terrifying encounter.
At just 7 months Old Angus the Golden Retriever is lucky enough to go to the beach daily, running & playing along the pristine shores of Port Phillip Bay in Melbourne, Australia.
After certain conditions, tides and seasons there is sometimes washed up dead fish along the foreshore. In which are usually the fish you would least want washed up on shores causing huge danger to our loved pets. On this winter day the curious Pup digested one of the washed up dead fish in one short gulp, whilst he was out of reach of his owners.

The Puffer fish (also toad fish and blow fish) are a delight for dogs to try – the stinkier the better! They are the second most poisonous vertebrates in the world. And of course we have them here in Australia! They are members of the family Tetraodontidae and they carry a poison in their skin and internal organs called tetrodotoxin. Tetrodotoxin is liberated by bacteria in the fish’s gut, the toxin then being absorbed into the blood and heading toward the liver and skin of the fish. It is not toxic to the fish themselves, but is a useful defense against predators. Consequently, for most dogs that just taste the fish, the signs of toxicity may be minimal or non-existent, but for those who eat the whole fish, the result can be fatal.
The toxin is a neurotoxin (affecting the nervous system) and blocks nerve conduction, particularly in the heart and brain. Signs of toxicity often begin with gastrointestinal signs such as vomiting and/or diarrhoea. Vomiting can be very helpful and may aid in eliminating the offending agent and providing a diagnosis. Other signs that may develop include tremors, hind limb weakness/ataxia, breathing difficulties and occasionally seizures. Without appropriate supportive care, death occurs from respiratory paralysis and cardiac failure. Neurological signs can take 1-4 hours to develop, so pets should be closely observed if they eat unknown objects from the waterfront.
There is no antidote to tetrodotoxin paralysis but it can be effectively managed with seizure control if indicated, assisted ventilation and cardiovascular support. The toxin generally wears off over 24 hours following exposure provided appropriate supportive care is instituted. Most dogs will return to full and normal function as though nothing ever happened.

After getting put through to emergency at his local veterinarian, Angus has an injection of Apomorphine to empty out his stomach to remove the nasty contents which will save his precious life.
the Toad fish is completely removed.
Angus is now able to head home with a few hours remaining of awful nausea.
A few hours later he is back to his happy self again!!
A terrifying moment for these pet owners I'm sure !

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