13 Lies You Were Told About Space

1 year ago

When you think of ringed planets, you probably assume there's only one of them in our Solar System, Saturn. But what if I told you that there are three other planets similar to Saturn? It's true. Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune all have their own sets of rings.

00:00 Saturn is the only ringed planet in the Solar System
00:54 Black holes suck everything in
01:35 The Moon has a dark side
02:00 Nuking an asteroid is a great idea
03:08 Thanks to our sponsor
04:05 You can see stars from the Moon
04:40 You grow taller in space
05:04 You age slower in space
05:40 You can't cry in space
06:13 Martian dust storms destroy equipment
07:05 Stars twinkle
07:35 The Asteroid Belt is full of asteroids
08:21 The Great Wall of China is Visible from Space

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