Pvz2 arena gameplay with Potato Mine | Primal Potato Mine | Boingsetta

8 months ago

Description: Potato Mines explode on contact, but they take time to arm themselves. Plant them ahead of zombies.
Price: Beating Player's House - Day 3 or 10 seed packets
Plant Food effect: Instantly arms himself and sets two armed clones on random tiles.
Potato Mine Sun cost: 25 Recharge (in seconds): 20

Description: Primal Potato Mines cost more than regular Potato Mines, but they arm more quickly and do damage over a larger area.
Price: Beating Jurassic Marsh - Day 23 or 60 seed packets
Plant Food effect: Instantly arms himself and sets two armed clones on random tiles.
Primal Potato Mine Sun cost: 50 Recharge (in seconds): 25

Description: Boingsettas slam the ground in a "boing" that heavily damages grid items, bounces zombies back and chills them.
Price: 250 seed packets
Plant Food effect: Deals heavy damage to all obstacles and slight damage to zombies as well as knocking back and chilling them.
Boingsetta Sun cost: 150 Recharge (in seconds): 30

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