GiveLife14 Basic Bible Doctrines, Part 1

9 months ago

GiveLife14 "Basic Bible Doctrines, Part 1" - GL14_BasicBibleDoctrines

0:02 - Zimbabwe - One Hundred Trillion Dollar Bills
0:03 - Episode #14 - "Basic Bible Doctrines, Part 1"
0:03 - People strongly disagree on the Bible
0:03 - Jesus did not choose any trained rabbis
0:04 - His Disciples were uneducated, but teachable
0:05 - Humans are created in God's image
0:06 - Chasing money is foolish, it is but a tool
0:07 - It is better to fear God than men
0:08 - Thomas Paine, "Common Sense" book
0:10 - We are a crop, like wheat, or sheep, etc.

0:11 - Would Jesus choose today's pastors/priests?
0:12 - I used to teach at a Bible college
0:13 - The fields are white unto harvest, Jesus said
0:14 - Prayer, Bible study, fellowship & ministry
0:15 - I'm not a good speaker, but I know too much
0:17 - People often listen to doctrines of demons
0:18 - Psalm 1: Two kinds of people on Earth, period
0:20 - Learn that creation is true; 6,000 years old
0:21 - Build up treasures in Heaven, not on Earth
0:22 - No religious institution remains Bible-based

0:23 - If a ministry focuses on money, it falls
0:25 - Acts 5; Gamaliel understood God's Ways
0:27 - A prayer regarding Bible doctrines
0:28 - We should try to be servants, not masters
0:29 - Pray in a humble manner, not ordering God
0:30 - Luke 18; 2 men went to the temple to pray
0:31 - Humble yourself, or ... God will! Ouch!
0:32 - We MUST be forgiving; Matthew 6:14-15
0:34 - Job: "The Lord gives, the Lord takes away."
0:35 - St. Paul: "A prisoner of Jesus Christ."

0:35 - John the Baptist: "He must increase, ..."
0:37 - I think God wants quality, not quantity
0:40 - Keep God's Commandments; per Exodus 20:6
0:42 - I see continuity through the whole Bible
0:44 - Lots of money is not a measure of success
0:45 - Take up your cross daily and follow Christ
0:46 - I Samuel 15:22-23, God desires obedience
0:50 - Psalms 51:16-17, God wants us humble
0:51 - He who is to be greatest, let him be servant
0:55 - Acts 17, Mars Hill, Paul quotes Greek poets

0:56 - Compare Micah 6:8 to Matthew 23:23
0:58 - Make the Bible part of you: Proverbs & John
1:00 - LTB24; Learn the Bible in 24 Hours
1:01 - "Love Worth Finding" with Adrian Rogers
1:05 - Black Wisdom Matters; only 11-15 min. each
1:08 - Elohim's Bible or Allah's Koran
1:09 - Satan works by formuls; God uses principles
1:11 - "One For Israel" on Jews finding Christ

1:12 - Christianity has NOT replaced Israel
1:15 - Jerusalem: only 2 persons recognized Jesus
1:16 - Praying for the viewers; praying Biblically
1:18 - Paul Harvey "The Rest of the Story" TROTS
1:19 - Famous Monsters; classic car focus
1:21 - Norman Rockwell "Triple Self Portrait" 1960
1:24 - Newsreel; FDR in 1938 on American unity

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