STOP SNACKING! if you want to lose weight asap

10 months ago

Fastest sustainable weight loss (return to your normal healthy weight)

1) Stop consuming carbohydrates and change to a ketogenic/low carb lifestyle
2) Prioritise protein and get enough fat but not too much - you will feel very satiated!
3) Stop snacking - ZERO!
4) Eat within a limited time window - if you are new to this start with eating within 10 hours. 2-3 meals, no snacking, no cheating, no carbs in food or drink
5) Shorten the window as you progress to 8, 6 and 4 hours depending how you feel
6) Try fasting for a day from time to time - you will be surprised how good you feel after - this is easier to do once you have become used to consuming no carbs.
7) Always consult with your doctor or dietitian if you are ill, take medications, feel uncertain about anything related to changing your eating habits.

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