Romans 8, continuing the climb

1 year ago

The prayer that I prayed at the beginning when I took Communion with Kamogelo:

As you follow these steps and pray this prayer, may every covenant that is not of God, that was formed through dreams, be broken in the name of Jesus Christ and may a new covenant be established upon your life by the blood of Jesus Christ shed for us.

Firstly, prepare a communion. Pray over it and bless it.

Father, in accordance with your word in Hebrews 8:6 that speaks about the superior covenant of the Blood of Jesus Christ. But Christ, as a Minister in heaven, has been rewarded with a far more important work than those who serve under the old laws because the new agreement that he passes on to us from God contains far more wonderful promises.

As I eat of the communion, I declare that the new covenant of the Blood of Jesus speaks loud over life and nullifies every evil covenant that has been initiated over my life through eating, drinking, word curses over Spoken over me, that ive spoken over others and spoken over myself,
covenants made with my thoughts, covenants I made with my with i've seen and what heard, and my sinful unrepentant actions.
Father, let any evil deposit in my body, spirit, soul and mind be flushed out by the Blood of Jesus.
I declare that I am totally delivered in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Take piece of bread and declare:

(Luke 22:19-20)
Then he took a loaf of bread; and when he had thanked God for it, he broke it apart and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, given for you. Eat it in remembrance of me.” Now say in agreement: "I agree that this is Jesus body, given for me. I eat it in remembrance of Him. (Now eat the bread).

After supper he gave them another glass of wine, saying, “This wine is the token of God’s new agreement to save you—an agreement sealed with the blood I shall pour out to purchase back your souls. "I agree that this wine is the token of God's new agreement to save me. An agreement sealed with the Blood of Jesus Christ to purchase back my soul." (Now drink in agreement).

~~~ Message notes ~~~

12. Because of this (previous 11 verses), we have a debt that keeps on building, not to the human part that incites us to sin to live in a way that we are not lifeless or dead, because it is not our goal to live after the human part that incites to sin.
13. Because, if we use the human part that incites us to sin and we do this way of living wherein we are not dead or lifeless, we shall become dead: but if, through the third person of the trinity (the HOLY Spirit) we KILL THIS CONNECTION of the mode of life in sin with a permanent violence, then we shall live in a way that is not lifeless or dead.


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