Ewe 🐑 Tube

1 year ago


To view a video, terrifying to EWE TUBE, watch here on the free-speech platform of Minds.com
Fun and games with censorship and costly speech, that used to be free, an America's favorite video platform, Ewe Tube.

NEW DEVELOPMENT: This video has the comments SHUT OFF.
I didn't shut them down, as a matter of fact, i went in to make sure and enabled ALL comments, but YT is over-riding your ability to comment on my channel.
Also, when i refresh the page, i see the number count go from several views, to zero.
It says NO ONE has viewed the video, even though i can see otherwise. Publicly, they've taken control of all speech here.

YT will NOT allow me a remedy, and will not allow me to submit the problem.
I guess i was 100% correct, about EWE TUBE, huh??
If you've read this far, please select the last video i posted, and comment there. Thanks.
BTW, eventually Rumble will post this video, and they aren't quite as stazi about it there.

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