No Meat For You!

1 year ago

Thank you for watching and God Bless!

Send me and my wife an email we would love to pray for you! Also, if you are in the New England area we would love to hear from you and possibly connect as we try to start a home church and Bible study talking about what is going on in the world today. My wife and I believe there are not too many churches talking about Bible Prophecy so we would love to encourage you and not forsake the gathering especially in these last days. Hebrews 10:25

References in this video:
Adams wants New Yorkers to eat less meat to combat climate change

8-22--22 You’ll Eat Bugs and Be Happy! [Prophecy Update]

Matthew Liao, "Bio Ethics Expert": We can make you allergic to meat" (World Science Festival, 2016)

14 U.S. Cities Sign WEF Treaty To Ban Meat, Dairy, Private Cars by 2030

The World Economic Forum Wants To Make You Allergic To Beef And Bill Gates Has The Mosquitoes To Do It

C40 Cities

Bible Gateway

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