Life is Beautiful Living Off-Grid with AirCrete

10 months ago

Life Is Beautiful living off-grid with AirCrete!
#AirCrete is Portland cement inflated with millions of tiny bubbles. This creates a building product that is structural and also insulating.

Learn how to escape the city and live #off-grid affordably by learning #howto build your new #alternativebuild house with your own hands and save a LOT of money. The information is in our playlist here for free, we offer THE most complete building online video course, and also hands-on workshops where you know that you can do it because you have done it. From foundation to building roofing truss, electrical, #solarpower, water, land, building an online business to generate an income from the wilderness, and off grid homesteading skills! Even in introduction to building with cast earth that is extremely cheap and when combined with thermal mass and natural insulation can create a modern-looking, but highly efficient comfortable living structure.

Learn and experience what it looks and feels like to live off grid. Discover the truth of living with reduced dependence on the "system" that entraps you into modern survival.

Private training is also available!

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