1 year ago

Television is manipulating the masses on the hour every hour. There is a reason why they call it scheduled programming because that's exactly what it is. See in this documentary evidence of this and gain a better understanding of why so many people are either totally awake and resistant or why they are so hooked on the plug in drug that they can't even form a cohesive original thought. Pirated satellite feeds revealing U.S. media personalities’ contempt for their viewers come full circle in Spin. TV out-takes appropriated from network satellite feeds unravel the tightly-spun fabric of television—a system that silences public debate and enforces the exclusion of anyone outside the pack of journalists, politicians, spin doctors, and televangelists who manufacture the news. Spin moves through the L.A. riots and the floating TV talk-show called the 1992 U.S. presidential election.

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