The CCP has been negotiating with Saudi and Iran regarding using the RMB for settling oil trades

1 year ago

8/24/2023 【Roy on the @WayneDupreeShow】Roy Guo: The CCP has already engaged in negotiations with Saudi Arabia and Iran regarding using the RMB for settling oil trades. The so-called internationalization of the RMB doesn't mean allowing the Yuan to freely circulate worldwide, but rather using it for transactions among the CCP and its axis of evil allies.
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
8/24/2023 【罗伊做客Wayne Dupree Show节目】罗伊:中共和沙特、伊朗已经就使用人民币结算石油交易进行了谈判。所谓人民币国际化不是人民币在全球的自由流通,而是在中共及其笼络的邪恶轴心国之间使用人民币进行交易。
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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