Raised by Lesbian Moms (My experience 🌈❤️)

3 years ago

A long overdue video sharing my story of being raised by 2 moms. 🌈
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Thank you for watching this video. It is always vulnerable sharing personal details of my life on a public platform but it is especially intimidating sharing things related to my family because I want to protect them and I anticipate getting weird comments either related to the topic of homosexuality or the topic of Christianity. Both tend to be polarizing and the internet is a strange place where people act like it is okay to be mean, though it is unlikely they would actually say anything at all in real life. After filming this video earlier in the week I had a few anxious nights where I considered not posting it at all because I feared what kind of response it would get. I also realized there is a lot more I would love to share but didn't have time. Maybe I can put more details in a second video. I suppose it depends on how much you guys care about this topic.

In the video I said that my parents separated in the 3rd grade, which is true-ish, but my other mom was in my life since the 1st grade. So for me she has been a maternal figure since I was 6 or 7 years old and my younger sister was 4. I am sharing that because sometimes people say I don't have full picture of being raised by two moms because I was "older" when my mom began living a gay lifestyle. I also have a dad because my mom was married to a man before she was with my other mom, and I have brothers because my other mom was married to a man before she began living as a homosexual. My moms are not my only gay family members, I have two aunts who are also lesbians and some distant cousins who are gay. I'm pretty sure one of my cousins is trans, though now that I am typing it I don't know if he is my real cousin or my half brothers cousin. I have a half brother too, who I did not mention in this video, but he is from my Dad's first marriage.

For those who are asking about my Christian beliefs and how they affect my view of my family or homosexuality in general here are some books, podcasts, videos and articles I have consumed in the last year. If we were alone over coffee and speaking from the heart I would invite you deeper into my story, but since this is public and not intimate I prefer to just share resources and allow you to form your own world-view. I hope more than anything that you take it upon yourself to love all people extravagantly. I can't think of a more Christ-like thing to do.

Resources (in no particular order) --
What does the Bible say about homosexuality:
Christian sexuality with Jackie Hill Perry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pc_s2xItSsI
God and the Gay Christian / Matthew Vines: https://www.matthewvines.com/transcript/
Mike Winger -- Homosexuality series -- Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_5WvYcKv18&t=1928s
My Quest to find homosexual in the Bible

Blue Babies Pink - a southern coming out story
Jen Hatmaker & her daughter Sydney "On Being Gay and Loved"

Baby Products you might like:

muslin swaddle: https://bit.ly/2GPOIOu

Baby Clothes:
Mebie Baby (Double zipper/zips from the bottom): https://bit.ly/315DwE3
The Simple Folk: https://thesimplefolk.co/collections/our-collection

Pacifier: https://bit.ly/3iUH95N
Clip: https://bit.ly/2SRkPzJ

Diapers, Wipes & Shampoo:
Hello Bello Diapers ($15 OFF): https://hellobello.com/?smile_ref=eyJ...

Car seat:
Uppa Baby Mesa: https://amzn.to/2RnwyWP
Winter seat cover: https://amzn.to/2TUl1Q7

Nursing Spot:
Rocking Chair: https://amzn.to/2P0PKcb
Boppy Pillow: https://amzn.to/3aBJAY8
Nursing Bra: https://bit.ly/2H75AQA

Swing: https://amzn.to/30LYs1I
Bouncer: https://amzn.to/36mnJAH
Snuggle Me Organics Lounger: https://bit.ly/340ZIkV

Baby Bed:
Snoo: https://amzn.to/2tK8Ri8
More affordable bassinet: https://amzn.to/36idhKl

Baby Newborn Kit:

Como Tomo: https://amzn.to/2GfeNT8

Breast Pump:
Haakaa: https://amzn.to/2uwlxZW
Portable Electric Pump: https://amzn.to/36qHQNX
Cheaper Electric Pump: https://amzn.to/2usof2V

Baby Monitor:
Owlet (Wifi camera): https://amzn.to/37nNl1h
Eufy: https://amzn.to/2Y1mr

Ergo 360 baby carrier: https://amzn.to/2OJMwc
Ring Sling: https://amzn.to/2MILDhT

Halo sleep sack: https://amzn.to/2rR4fWe
Zipadeezip: https://amzn.to/365jhqp
Sound Machine: https://amzn.to/2ITRCzA
Baby Toys: KiwiCo: https://kiwico.com/jess_hover

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