MAKEOVER! I'm Going Out With Attitude!, by Christopher Hopkins, The Makeover Guy®

6 years ago

Subscribe : - Visit Website : - Linda was full of personality but her image didn't reflect that. Trish Tabatt spiced up her hair with auburn reds and firey blonde highlights. Natural looking makeup by Amy Goulet complimented her eyewear and I switched the part adding a foundation cut of a bob for her to continue to grow into. Go team reVamp!

Linda: I'm Linda.
Robert: Linda, where'd you come in from today?
Linda: Kearney, Missouri, straight up I-35 North.
Speaker 4: You're doing a brown red, medium brown red with some light brown caramel like highlights.
Linda: It's time for a change. I came in like droopy, downy person. I'm going out with attitude. Watch it. I'm getting older. I am loving it. Now, seriously has been growing out since January.
Robert: Oh my God. You really wear your hair short.
Linda: My last haircut was January 30th at 5:00 pm. Aha moment was just walking into the door of the salon here. It's like oh my stars. I've been coloring my hair since 1967 when I was in 7th grade. The best part is, are you ready?
Robert: Yes.
Linda: I have eyelashes now. Is this pretty? Tada! I'm bringing friends. We're coming back.
Robert: All right.

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