Los Angeles is NOT safe!

10 months ago

The Center for Criminal and Psychological Studies in Los Angeles reports that crime is a serious problem in that city, More than 63% of women and 70% of men say they’ve been targeted.
Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass was recently interviewed on NPR, where she blamed the press ---and especially the conservative press--- for painting Democratic-run cities as though they’re “in a crisis of crime" and for the "sense of fear" that permeates these cities.
So, blame the media, not the criminals?
Nor the fact that the city looked for ways to slash police funding, and mandated injections of experimental drugs so that now LA has the lowest number of police officers in 20 years?
Bass claims people in Los Angeles are safe, but USA Today reports that Los Angeles had an 11% increase in crime last year.
Sorry mayor. When at least 64% of your citizens say they’ve been targets of crime, your city is not safe. Why don’t you stop blaming the press?

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