Funeral Director Blows Whistle on CV-19 Global Depopulation Agenda – 9/20/21

1 year ago

(Sept 20, 2021) According to British funeral director John O’Looney there is no pandemic. It’s ALL a scam. He says the first death wave in the UK happened between March and April 2020 when thousands of elderly, sick, and dying were murdered in care homes with lethal doses of a sedative called Midazolam. During that period almost every death was labeled as a COVID death, even automobile accidents. The second death wave (which was massive) began as soon as people started getting injected with the COVID-19 vaccine back in January 2021. That wave of death stopped abruptly in the 2nd week of April. About three weeks ago the death rate picked up again, but this time for all ages, and again almost all the people dying got the vaccine. Their cause of death is heart attacks, blood clots, strokes, and multiple organ failures. O’Looney also says the so called “delta variant” is not a variant at all. Rather, it’s COVID-19 vaccine injuries.

“Here we have a depopulation agenda, and part of that depopulation is two fronts that they attack on. One is to kill people, and I am seeing that as a funeral director, and number two is to sterilize or disable children to stop them from repopulating later on in life.” - John O’Looney

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