Ukraine Blackmailing Biden? | 6/15/23

1 year ago

Leading with our mistakes. We have a new presidential candidate for 2024 to consider. Happy Juneteenth! Pollster Frank Luntz has some thoughts on Donald Trump. Update on the White House Snoobage Waggler. Why is one celebrity ditching her pronouns? Why is the Biden administration obsessed with changing the gender of children?? Where are tens of thousands of missing immigrant children?? The double standard in Washington, D.C., is infuriating. The dangers of relying on technology: Amazon shut off a man's access to his devices. Blue vs. Blue in an interesting traffic stop.

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00:00:00 Woman Suing for Being Born - Hoax
00:01:35 Who ISN’T Running for President?
00:11:30 Battle in Congress; Republicans on the Offensive!
00:17:23 Is Biden Being Blackmailed?
00:30:44 Tweets
00:36:00 Snoob Waggler Speaks Out
00:40:00 Demi Lovato Is Finding Herself
00:48:13 Tweets
00:52:21 Democrats Really Want Your Kids
01:00:02 Missing Migrant Children
01:08:19 McCarthy Takes On CNN
01:13:16 Fired Starbucks Employee Wins Her Lawsuit!
01:23:08 Abbott Signs the Crown Act! Yay!
01:29:42 A Cop Pulls Over Another Cop

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