How to control Cholesterol ll Change my life II Cholesterol lower Diet II Home Remedy

8 months ago

High Cholesterol Level can lead to high risk of Heart Disease. Heart disease is the world’s leading cause of death. Having high cholesterol levels — especially “bad” LDL — is linked to an increased risk of heart disease.

Here are 08 foods that can lower cholesterol and improve other risk factors for heart disease.
1. Avocados:
Clinical studies support the cholesterol-lowering effect of avocados. In one study, overweight and obese adults with high LDL cholesterol who ate one avocado daily lowered their LDL levels more than those who didn’t eat avocados.
2. Nuts — Especially Almonds and Walnuts:
Nuts are another exceptionally nutrient-dense food. Calcium, magnesium and potassium, found in nuts, may reduce blood pressure and lower your risk of heart disease. In an analysis of 25 studies, eating 2–3 servings of nuts per day decreased “bad” LDL cholesterol by an average of 10.2 mg/dl.
3. Fatty Fish:
Fatty fish, such as salmon and mackerel, are excellent sources of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids.
Omega-3 improves heart health by increasing “good” HDL cholesterol and lowering inflammation and stroke risk. Keep in mind that the healthiest ways to cook fish are steaming or stewing.
4. Oats:
Oats Contain beta-glucan, a type of soluble fibre that helps lower cholesterol. Eating oats may lower total cholesterol by 5% and “bad” LDL cholesterol by 7%
5. Fruits and Berries:
Many types of fruit are rich in soluble fibre, which helps lower cholesterol levels. One kind of soluble fibre called pectin lowers cholesterol level by up to 10%. It’s found in fruits including apples, grapes, citrus fruits and strawberries. Eating berries and grapes, can help increase “good” HDL and lower “bad” LDL cholesterol.
6. Cocoa:
Cocoa is the main ingredient in dark chocolate. In one study, healthy adults drank a cocoa beverage twice a day for a month, experienced a reduction in “bad” LDL cholesterol of 6.5 mg/dl. Their blood pressure also decreased and their “good” HDL cholesterol increased.
7. Garlic:
Garlic has been used for centuries as an ingredient in cooking and as a medicine. Studies suggest that garlic lowers blood pressure in people with elevated levels and may help lower total and “bad” LDL cholesterol.
8. Extra Virgin Olive Oil:
One of the most important foods in the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet is extra virgin olive oil.
Olive oil is a rich source of monounsaturated fatty acids, the kind that may help raise “good” HDL and lower “bad” LDL cholesterol

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