Stable Diffusion 2.2 XL Is Here And It Is AWESOME! - Try It Free!

8 months ago

Link to try Stable Diffusion 2.2 / SDXL here: or

The video is a demonstration of the new 2.2 version of Stable Diffusion, or what's tentatively titled XL or "SD XL." The presenter explains that the new version is much quicker and can create images a lot faster than previous versions. It can also determine the style of the image based on the prompt given.

The presenter demonstrates how to access the new version through Dream Studio AI and how to use it to generate images. The presenter shows several examples of the generated images, including a photorealistic image of an attractive woman. The presenter mentions that the new version is still in beta and can only create lower resolution 512 by 512 images. Overall, the presenter is impressed with the new version and recommends testing it out.

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