Little Kitten Fascinated By Herself On Front-Facing Camera!

7 years ago

The world has a deep love/hate relationship with the front facing camera on their smartphones. It comes in handy more often than we would like to admit. Not counting selfies, the front-facing camera is like the utility knife of gadgets.

Lash in your eye? Turn the camera on. Don’t have a mirror to fix your lipstick? Turn the camera on.

It seems that little kittens are now getting on the front camera train as this adorable kitten is using it to check herself out! We can only assume that she got this habit from her owners as pets tend to mimic some of the owners behaviors and habits to some degree. What a smart kitty she is!

You might hate how your second chin looks when you turn your camera on, but this little kitty seems to think she is just fabulous! Sweet little foster kitten named Alex sees her image in the phone and can't get over how cute she is! She is not the only one that finds herself adorable as we cannot seem to look away as this kitten stares into our eyes!

Please share this adorable clip with your family and friends as they will surely not want to miss this cute moment!

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