Biblical Audio Commentary – What God is Doing

10 months ago

Many of us in the pre-Tribulation Rapture community are convinced that 2023 is THE year. This is it! Before the year ends, we’re out of here! I hope to God that’s the case. I’m really and truly tired and fed up with this world. For God to Rapture His true church and remove us from this evil and alien place right now would suit me just fine.

Despite a goodly number of us feeling in our guts that God will make this desire so, there are also some of us – a somewhat smaller number perhaps? – who think we’re destined to remain in the pigsty just a little while longer. As I’ve repeatedly said, that idea gives me no pleasure. I take no pride in the fact that I’ve been saying this for several years while at the same time many were predicting NOW! – this year! – right around the corner! Yet here we still are.

The transcript for this audio commentary is available at my website blog under the post with the same title:

Gary Ritter website: books & blog

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