Pillars of Eternity 1, Part 42: Cannons, Zahua, Life, the Universe and Everything

10 months ago

This is intriguing and gross... or *ingrossing.* https://www.smithsonianmag.com/travel/how-germanys-spaghetti-ice-cream-came-to-be-180982461/

I don't know what happened at the Miami Seaquarium, but something went wrong. Whether it was an unavoidable wrong or an avoidable one, we don't know. At least, I didn't know when I made this, and I'm probably not going to remember to double check before making this public. https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/lolita-beloved-killer-whale-who-had-been-in-captivity-has-died-miami-seaquarium-says/

Ok, we have to finish saving the cannons. This was a fun dungeon; I don't really know how badly the elevator can go. I imagine it can go drastically wrong, but who would do things like stick a torch in the lever or just not repair things. Our wizard cannon otters cheered us on. Also: Why won't they test fire the cannons? Yeah, they might damage things... but what if they don't work? Isn't that a concern too?

I think Zahua's quest text should also pop up easier. I'm not sure how I missed some text buried in his branching text. But I did, and it was annoying.

00:00 Intro Websites and Getting Ready
00:30 Solasta and BG3 Talk
05:30 Cannon Dungeon Fights
24:00 Born in a Barn... Door Problems
35:15 An Alternative Path
37:00 Disease Pudding
41:10 Resting and Elevator Sequence
45:25 Taking the Cannons
54:22 Eyeless Vision and Turn In
01:03:00 Cannon Otter Interlude...
01:09:10 Finding Zahua's Quest
01:27:00 A Lion Vision Quest!
01:58:00 The End of Zahua's Visions
02:01:37 Clean Up, Leveling, and Preparing for the Iron Flail

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