CO2 Climate Rubbish

1 year ago

Sky News host Alan Jones puts the Climate Hoax religion into perspective. It’s hard for hypnotized people to understand, but give it a try:

Let’s do the math:
1) .04% of the Atmosphere is comprised of CO2 (which is required for life, trees need it to produce the Oxygen we breathe)

2) .03% of the .04% is generated by humans. That means .0012% of the CO2 in the atmosphere required for life is generated by human activity

And to solve it we’re going to:
1) Force electric cars on people that use electricity mostly generated by…COAL plants that could possible generate more CO2 than just using regular petrol cars

2) Cut energy production that provides our food, products, medicine—the things have have allowed human beings to thrive on earth.

Stick that in your un-recyclable paper straw and smoke it.

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