Dog Found Abandoned And Chained Urgently Needs A Home

7 years ago

AN ANIMAL rescue centre in Arkansas is making a desperate plea to re-home Melody the pitbull before it is too late. NovaStar Rescue Centre are hoping the power of the internet will help find this unlucky dog the loving family she deserves, before she is put down in less than a week. Melody’s story begins in January 2016, when she was found with no shelter, food or water, and just a heavy chain around her neck attached to a tree. Skinny, scared and freezing, the chain had been looped around her neck and padlocked together with a huge industrial lock. Fortunately for Melody, she was freed from the tree by her rescuers, however the thick chain couldn’t be removed straight away as it was embedded deep into her flesh.

Videographer / director: Tammy Swarek
Producer: Shannon Lane, Michael Muncer
Editor: Marcus Cooper

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