acapella ditty about problematic (but irrefutable) statements + JC$

9 months ago

true statements that piss people off
singing a little ditty about why i'm so offensive
these things teach you about the level of awareness + morality of the person around you
people either don't notice or they pretend that they don't notice...scum
okay so i said i wasn't gonna call people names like ten min ago (last video)
just wait for God to take care of em whatever He is gonna do
awareness makes you so sad when you understand the true state of the world and the constant suffering
w/ a perspective as daunting as mine, spirits must be lifted hence the Holy Trinity
JC$ made a sacrifice to this shit world, most either don't appreciate or don't understand i am not trying to be judgmental or whatever it just makes me sad that they dunno how much God loves em
trying to be the best version of myself even tho i'm late still CLASSIC ag

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