NVIDIA NeuralAngelo - Generate 3D Objects From 2D Videos (Including CELL PHONES!) - Sneak Peak

10 months ago

In this video, we're diving headfirst into the next revolution in technology - Neuralangelo from Nvidia. For those who've been under a rock lately, Nvidia is now worth over $1 trillion in market capitalization, and there's a reason for it! They've been transforming the AI landscape in a big way. 🌐💻🚀

We'll explore their groundbreaking technology that blends the power of neural networks with the creativity of Michelangelo. This new AI model can transform 2D videos from any device (yes, including your drones and cellphones) into breathtaking 3D structures with intricate details.

You'll see firsthand how this advanced tech can fully replicate real-world objects, build sculptures, and even construct virtual spaces. It's like entering into a whole new reality.

We'll also give you a sneak peek into a fascinating blog post and a comprehensive research paper that Nvidia has just released. This is your gateway to a deeper understanding of this cutting-edge technology. 🧠

Don't forget to let us know what you think about this exciting AI revolution in the comments below. There's much more in store for you, so stay tuned for more enlightening videos like this. 🎬👍💬


Blog post: https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2023/06...

Nvidia Research Paper: https://d1qx31qr3h6wln.cloudfront.net...

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