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15 seconds

15 seconds


1 year ago

#christianity #faith #bible

Then God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear”; and it was so.” - Genesis 1:9

As the second day gave way to the third, God's creation continued to unfold, each word a brushstroke on the canvas of existence. This time, the Creator turned attention to the waters, those unbridled forces that had covered the earth.

With a voice that resonated through the depths, God commanded, "Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear." The waters, obedient to their Maker, began to surge and swirl, withdrawing from vast expanses, pooling into oceans and seas.

Slowly, the dry land emerged, rugged and beautiful, breaking the monotonous expanse of water. Continents and islands took shape, each a unique expression of divine imagination. Mountains stretched towards the sky, valleys sank into the earth's embrace, and shorelines kissed the seas.

And it was so.

The Creator looked upon the transformation with satisfaction, seeing not just land and sea, but the potential for life, diversity, and the interplay of nature's most primal forces. A new chapter in the cosmic dance had begun.

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