The Men behind the World's Most Brutal Death Squad

10 months ago

Is he World's Most Despicable Death Squad Commander?
Oskar Dirlewanger, a man with a twisted past and a notorious reputation. He was the leader of the infamous death squad known as the black hunters, who committed some of the ugliest atrocities of World War II.
Dirlewanger was responsible for massacring thousands of civilians in Belarus, including women and children. They were also involved in the brutal suppression of the Warsaw Uprising, killing innocent civilians, raping, and looting. The Dirlewanger Brigade killed over 30,000 Belarussian civilians.
At one point, Dirlewanger ordered his men to execute 500 young children. He wanted his troops to save their bullets, so they did the bulk of the work with rifle butts and bayonets.
Dirlewanger’s soldiers sometimes cut off the arms of innocent civilians, soaked them with gasoline, and set them on fire.
Dirlewanger was also responsible for burning down three separate hospitals with the patients inside the nurses were whipped gang R worded and hanged naked with the doctors.

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