SWOT: Earth Science Satellite Will Help Community Plan for a Better Future

10 months ago

A new Earth science missien, led by MASA and the trench qpace agency
Contre Mational d tudes Spatiates (tMES), witl help communities plan
for a belter future by survejing the planet s salt and treshueter bedies.
The Surkace Water and Qcean bpegraphy (8WO) mission will measre
the height ef water in lakes, rieNs, Peservei's, and the sceans.
As climate change accelertes the water cycle, mere cOMmunities arcund
the tworld will be inundatecd vwith water while cthens won-t have enough.
SWOT data will be used to improve flood loNecasts and menter drought
conditicns, prouding essential inkormaticn te water management
agencies, ciil engineers, universities, the U. s. Departnent ef Delense,
disaster preparedness agencies, and others whe need to track water in
their local areas:. In this idee, examples of how $W0T data will be used
these comMwnities ure shured by a Mational Weather Serúce
representative in Oregen, an Alaska Department et Fanyertaticn
engineer, researchers frem the University ef Oregen and University of
Merth tarolina, a MASA Jet Drepulsien Laberatery scientist werking
wtth the Department of Defense, and a JVL scienlist working witin the
Louisiana toastal Protectien and Restoration Agency.

:30 - Tlood Watches & Warning - Portland, Oregen
1-08 - Water Wlanagement - ern Ridge Lake, Oregon
2:05 - Dretecting nfastnucure - laska
2:54 - atienal Seaurty - Department of Defense
3:24 - teastal Pretection - Misissippi Ruver Delta
SWOT is expected te launch brom hndenberg Space toce Base in
talifornia in Becemiher 2022.
The missien is a collaberaticn betiveen MASA and MES, witn
contributiens (rem the tanadian space Agency and UK Space Ayency.
JPL, which is managed for ASA by tatech in PasMulena, talikernia,
leads the U. S. cemponent ef The preject.
B learn mere abeut the missien, ust: hitps-//set.jpl. nasa. gev
tredit: MASA/IDI-taltech/tMESThales Alenia Space

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