MAKEOVER: EXTREMELY THICK COARSE HAIR!! by Christopher Hopkins, The Makeover Guy

7 years ago

Subscribe : - Visit Website : . Kris had the thickest, coarsest, most challenging hair I recall working with. Fraught with challenges we worked to tame her hair and give her a more youthful color.


Robert: Chris where did you come in from today?
Kris Well, I came from Woodbury today, but originally from Minnesota, Maryland, I'm sorry.
Christopher: You've got naturally curly type, frizzy hair.
Kris: Frizzy, yes.
Christopher: Do you use regular rollers? What do you use?
Kris: I used to use regular rollers, and then I got tired of them. Now I wash it and let it dry and I either take a curling iron or something to just get out some of the frizz.
Christopher: Okay.
Kris: It's getting a lot grayer than it was. My hair is not the easiest to deal with. I love it, I love it! I feel like I lost 20 pounds. I get to see when I bring in pictures and I want it to look like this and he says your hair is never going to do that.
Christopher: This may be one of the most difficult hairdos that I've tried to create. A lovely lady, sexy, young woman not a mom with a teenager. I like the line that we're trying to create, it's almost like African American hair as far as the texture, and you can't do traditional things. We let it air dry, and let it just form her natural curls. I think that's pretty, she'll probably blow it out.
Kris: It's probably something curly, I probably would do mine a little straighter. Not straightened like a procedure straightened where I have to keep up with it.
Robert: What is your husband going to say when he sees your new look?
Kris: Don't have one.
Robert: Oh, you don't, okay.
Kris: No, I'm a single mom, it's just my daughter and I, yep.

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