MAKEOVER: Starting The Journey at 21, by Christopher Hopkins, The Makeover Guy®

7 years ago

Subscribe : - Visit Website : . How sweet is Emilee? She laughed that her Mom wanted a makeover, so she bought her one for her 21st birthday. After she realized I'm not limited to women "of a certain age," she appreciated the gift. We hope it will inspire her in her new career in the beauty business.
Speaker 3: Well, my mom watches the YouTube videos all the time and so she got me this for my birthday.
Christopher: But I think drama is good, you know. Like you've got this cool piece. I feel like.
Speaker 4: I just wanted her to know realistically where she's at and where she is in [inaudible 00:00:22].
Speaker 5: I'm giving her a little bit of a golden glow color so that she won't seem so fair, but don't get too dark either. I like the double cross test today because her hair was so dark we had to go back through and lighten it a little bit more.
Robert: So you're doing bleach for us?
Speaker 5: Yes, sir. It's more of a color correction today. She wants to be a blonde and we are at a level 4.
Robert: Was any of that box color?
Speaker 6: She's in beauty school right now, so I think, Emily.
Robert: Emily, that question was to you.
Speaker 6: Yes.
Speaker 3: I think all the box colors grown out.
I just always like doing hair and I love color and watching change as you create it.
My favorite part was probably the people that did it. They were a lot of fun.

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