9 months ago

Reggie Hubbard describes his journey from political strategist to wellness activist.

Reggie is the founder/chief serving officer of Active Peace LLC. His yogic and meditative practices have served as a sanctuary of peace and perspective while navigating the stresses of being a black man in the world and serving in pressure-filled jobs at the height of US politics. His practices have also helped him navigate complicated emotions (anger, grief, disappointment) to find and nurture peace of mind and ease of spirit, which is why he now seeks to share them widely for the well being of all.He has extensively studied with leading teachers such as Faith Hunter, Amy Ippoliti, Yogarupa Rod Stryker and Sri Dharma Mittra and countless other amazing teachers he has encountered along the way – always remembering that the best teacher is an eternal student. He is a graduate of the 2023 MMTCP (Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program) cohort – led by Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach.

He has been a featured speaker and thought leader on political strategy, new consciousness, wellbeing and social justice, and civic engagement for leading publications, podcasts and platforms including: Be Here Now Network, The Hill, Mind and Life Institute, SoundsTrue Foundation, Upaya Zen Center, Wanderlust, the Wellbeing Project, Yoga Alliance, and Yoga Journal.Reggie’s life work sits at the intersection of bringing more peace and balance to activists; guiding the wellness community toward being more inclusive, engaged, concerned citizens; and, enhancing the well-being of all walks of life. Achieving this balance is how we catalyze transformative change in our society, which we are desperately in need of at this moment.He received a B.A. in philosophy from Yale University and an MBA in international strategy from the Vlerick Business School in Belgium. Founder/Chief Serving Officer – Active Peace LLC

Host Bonnie Burkert melds the worlds of media and higher consciousness, sharing tools for transformation to find our highest truth and live our brightest life.

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