Embers of Armageddon + Sunlust | Map 24 | Ultra-Violence 100%

1 year ago

A decent sized map with lots of monsters, restrictive architecture, and tricky secrets. FPS takes a hit through most of the map, especially during the final arena fight. That said, the final fight is pretty fun. Limited BFG ammo makes things tough, but if you aim your BFG a certain way, you can bounce BFG balls back into the arena to hit targets twice.

The video quality for this map isn't great. I've done my best to minimize annoying microstuttering, but I'm not able to eliminate it completely with my current hardware on these types of maps.


> Doom II

> Embers of Armageddon (gameplay mod)
> Sunlust (megawad)
> D4 monsters addon/replacer

> GZDoom (Flatpak version)

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