CB1000R Refresh: Pt.2 Bar-end Mirrors, Radiator Guard & Reflectors

3 years ago

In this episode of the CB1000R refresh series, I tackle a couple of the parts that were either included because of the law, because of bad styling or simply left out to save money.

The fork reflectors, mirrors and (lack of a) radiator guard all get dealt with in this bits and bobs garage video.


[[.......GEAR IN THIS VIDEO ......]]

Reflectors: https://www.louis.eu/artikel/self-adhesive-reflector-curved-orange/10036248?list=a53bfd3068efc074ad3660128d02d9ec&filter_article_number=10036248

Rad Guard: https://amzn.to/3gOCULH

Mirrors: https://www.polo-motorrad.com/de-de/hashiru-lenkerendenspiegel-fuer-22%2F25-4%2F30mm-st27-alu-%C3%B8100mm-50190004780.html

Mirror bungs: https://www.louis.eu/artikel/cap-for-m10-mirror-thread-pair/10028867?list=1426565332c612947cd92633ccba88d1&filter_article_number=10028867

Bar Ends: https://www.louis.eu/artikel/highsider-bar-ends-organic-black-pair/10007865?list=4b3bfffa63cc7b5cdf837d7fad91700e&filter_article_number=10007865

R&G Traction Pads:

WERA Toolcheck Plus: https://amzn.to/3tkk6Y6

Avon Spirit ST Hypersport Touring Tyres:

Brandit Vintage Shirt: https://amzn.to/3mNm3dl

LUMIX G6: https://amzn.to/39Mo9EU

LUMIX 20mm MFT Lens: https://amzn.to/32kthff

MOZA Slypod: https://amzn.to/3sV6dQ8

Zoom H1 Audio Recorder:

This video was edited using the free version of Davinci Resolve.

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[[...... MUSIC ......]]
'Our Imperfect Place' by Strength To Last.
The music is from Soundstripe. Check it out here:
Get AMC's ALBUM here: http://bit.ly/AMCcd (includes channel theme tune: 'Happiness')
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