Power To Triumph | Cast Me Not Away From Your Presence & Take Not The Holy Spirit | August 24, 2023

9 months ago

Sunny Adeniyi Ministries Presents Power To Triumph - Streamed Live on August 24, 2023

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Word 1
Study Of Paul's Epistle To The Romans - The Fundamentals Of Christian Education & Church Principles. || Rom. 3:1-4
• Rom. 3:1 In this chapter Paul contends that everyone stands guilty before God. Paul has dismantled the common excuses of people who refuse to admit they are sinners: (1) "There is no God" or "I follow my conscience" (Rom_1:18-32); (2) "I'm not as bad as other people" (Rom_2:1-16); (3) "I'm a church member" or "I'm a religious person" (Rom_2:17-29). No one will be exempt from God's judgment of sin. Every person must accept the fact that he or she is sinful and condemned before God and receive God's wonderful gift of salvation. All of us—pagan Gentiles, humanitarians, and religious people—are condemned by our own actions. The law, which God gave to show the way to live, holds up our evil deeds to public view. Is there any hope for us? Yes, says Paul. The law condemns us, it is true, but the law is not the basis of our hope. God himself is.

Word 2
Study Of Paul's Epistle To The Romans - The Fundamentals Of Christian Education & Church Principles. || Rom. 3:1-4
• Rom. 3:2 The Jewish nation had great benefits. (1) They were entrusted with God's laws ("the whole revelation of God," Exodus 19-20; Deu_4:8). (2) They were the race through whom the Messiah came to earth (Isa_11:1-10; Mat_1:1-17). (3) They were the beneficiaries of covenants with God himself (Gen_17:1-16; Exo_19:3-6). But these privileges did not make them better than anyone else (see Rom_3:9). In fact, because of them the Jews were even more responsible to live up to God's requirements.

Word 3
Study Of Paul's Epistle To The Romans - The Fundamentals Of Christian Education & Church Principles. || Rom. 3:1-4
• Rom. 3:2 The Jewish nation had great benefits. (1) They were entrusted with God's laws ("the whole revelation of God," Exodus 19-20; Deu_4:8). (2) They were the race through whom the Messiah came to earth (Isa_11:1-10; Mat_1:1-17). (3) They were the beneficiaries of covenants with God himself (Gen_17:1-16; Exo_19:3-6). But these privileges did not make them better than anyone else (see Rom_3:9). In fact, because of them the Jews were even more responsible to live up to God's requirements.

Personal Supplication
Father, in the name of Jesus, create in me a clean heart, renew a steadfast spirit within me, do not cast me out of Your presence and take not the Holy Spirit from me. Ps 51:10-11
10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.
11 Do not cast me away from Your presence, And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.

Daily Covenant Favor Declaration
I decree in the name of Jesus, from this moment forward, I see myself the way God sees me. I am highly favoured of the Lord. I am crowned with glory and honour. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
I am reigning as a king in life through the one man Jesus Christ


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