BlackRock UNLEASHES Their Plan For World Domination - 17 Aug 2023

10 months ago


A list of companies that influence, direct world policy and tell governments what do to. Who and how as the world been captured?
By these undemocratic institutions, of course...
and their conspiracies against freedom and truth.

1. Club of Rome
2. Lucios (Lucifer 1921) Trust 1922 see Sandi Adams
3. Council of Foreign Relations
4. United Nations
5. World Health Organization
6. Bilderberg Group
7. Trilateral Commission (has included Jeffrey Epstein and Keir Starmer)
8. British Council
9. The National Democratic
10. Chatham House
11. The institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD)
12. The National Praying Breakfast (The Family)
13. Open Society Foundations
14. Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
15. The National Democratic Institute
16. Council of Europe
17. Rockefellar Foundation
18. George Sorus
19. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
20. Cambridge Analytica
21. Bright Club
22. White Helmets
23. The Welcome Trust
24. Geostrategic Limited.
25. International Monetary Fund
26. World Economic Forum
27. International renaissance foundation (George Soros)
28. National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
29. World government summit
30. NAFO (North Atlantic Fella Organization)
31. Trusted News Initiative
32. The European Commission
33. BBC Media Action
34. Blackrock

and more...

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