A Link To The Past Randomizer (ALTTPR) - Hard Ganon, Randomized Flute Locations

1 year ago

Permalink: https://alttpr.gwaa.kiwi/en/h/gVMRBVjM5l

In the next ALTTP Randomizer seed, I'm switching over to karafruit's unofficial fork of the randomizer as Abigail leaves Stardew Valley to visit the land of Hyrule, only to find herself thrust into an epic adventure to save the world from evil with limited power-ups to work with! Another new feature in this seed is flute warp location randomization, which is exclusive to the unofficial fork of the randomizer.
Full ALTTP Randomizer Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcZithGR1z9D7pWxULBh_lzGto6yTWpPG
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