10 Mental Illness Signs You Should Not Ignore

9 months ago

"10 Mental Illness Signs You Should Not Ignore" is a crucial and informative video that sheds light on key indicators of potential mental health issues. This video delves into ten distinct signs that may suggest the presence of a mental health condition. By discussing these signs in detail, the video aims to raise awareness and help viewers recognize these early warning signals in themselves or their loved ones.

In this comprehensive video, we break down each sign and provide context, examples, and insights to help viewers understand the significance of these indicators. The intention is to encourage a proactive approach to mental well-being, emphasizing the importance of seeking professional help and support when any of these signs are noticed.

With sensitivity and empathy, this video seeks to destigmatize discussions about mental health and empower viewers to take positive steps toward their emotional and psychological well-being. Whether you're concerned about your own mental health or that of someone you care about, this video serves as an informative guide to foster understanding and encourage early intervention for a healthier and happier life.

0:47 - 1. Feeling Sadness or Depression Longer Than 2 Weeks
1:16 - 2. Extreme Mood Swings and Don’t Know Why
2:12 - 3. Worry and Anxiety Gotten Out Control
2:45 - 4. Withdrawing and Isolating Yourself
3:09 - 5. Delucions and Halucination
3:50 - 6. Having More and More Difficulty in Dealing in Normal Life Situation
4:24 - 7. You’re Sleeping Too Much or Too Little
4:54 - 8. You Started Abusing Drugs or Alcohol
5:24 - 9. Extreme Anger Outburst
6:00 - 10. You’ve Started Thinking of Self-Harm or Suicide

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