Attributes of a Disciplined Mind (multiple definitions)

11 months ago

A Sound Mind:
A disciplined mind is a sound mind and vice versa. The mind is disciplined because it has been subjected to sound principles and judgment over a period of time and so thinks differently from many others.

Joseph Ayeni:,time%20and%20so%20thinks%20differently%20from%20many%20others.

A disciplined mind is someone who behaves or works in a controlled way. It is someone who has mastered a way of thinking about a specific scholarly discipline (such as history, math, science, art), craft or profession (such as law, medicine, management, finance) and strives to renew and refine this mastery.

Juxtaposition's definition:
a) A disciplined mind is a Military Parochial OBEDIENCE CONDITIONED and disabled mind.
b) MK Ultra brain restructured to listen and obey. Await the next command.
c) COVID CULT compliant. Masked, VAXED and Boosted.

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