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68. H. Pylori Test is (wrongfully) Being Discontinued
Dr. David Harshfield introduces his "Harsh Truths" series.
Dr. Lewis explains why Labcorp is dropping H. pylori serology test. He also explains why this test is vitally important, and the remaining options are inconvenient, expensive, and not adequately quantitative.
20:00:03 From risa Hyman : Thank you for all your weekly presentations, the information is so helpful and your commitment to health is so hopeful and encouraging.
20:00:15 From Scott's S21 : Can you discuss your post on argenine? Is cardiomiracle out as a supplement?
20:00:42 From risa Hyman : Could you please address epiretinal membrane and eye doctors that say we will just observe
20:03:20 From Martha Stark, MD : Dr. Tom – Speaking of Dr. David Jockers – I too think he does a great job of things (and I love his wonderful diagrams) –
But in one of his diagrams, he writes that “acute inflammation” goes hand in hand with “innate immunity.”
He goes on to write, however, that “chronic inflammation” goes hand in hand with “adaptive immunity.”
We would not agree with this latter statement about “chronic inflammation,” would we???
20:03:57 From Scott's S21 : What do you think about Ardis recommending nicotine for long covid?
20:09:36 From Steve : Replying to "What do you think ab..."
If you listen/watch many of his presentations he cites the proof that it takes to reach saturation validation.
BTW, it's not only Ardis. There are many other practitioners/researchers that have joined his efforts to expose the venom angle.
20:10:34 From Joel B. Peterson : Reacted to "What do you think ab..." with ❤️
20:10:38 From Joel B. Peterson : Reacted to "If you listen/watch ..." with ❤️
20:10:48 From Joel B. Peterson : Reacted to "Dr. Tom – Speaking o..." with ❤️
20:10:57 From Joel B. Peterson : Reacted to "Could you please add..." with 💪
20:11:07 From Joel B. Peterson : Reacted to "Can you discuss your..." with ❤️
20:11:13 From Joel B. Peterson : Reacted to "Thank you for all yo..." with ❤️
20:12:09 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "What do you think ab..."
From online – “In fact, the World Health Organization considers nicotine replacement therapy an essential medicine. Nicotine has been shown to be protective in a handful of other diseases, and laboratory studies suggest it may play a part in regulating an enzyme called ACE2, which is thought to be involved in COVID-19.”
20:14:01 From Joel B. Peterson : Reacted to "From online – “In fa..." with ❤️
20:14:02 From Steve : Replying to "What do you think ab..."
Actually, the studies/journal articles,etc. state that the ACE2 receptor theory is/was a red-herring. The true target of the venom is the Alpha7-Nicotinic receptor.
Again, he has the documentation to prove this.
20:15:41 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Nicotine receptor has to do with production of acetyl choline - which needs to be at the right level to have a good brain - not to high and not too low
20:15:42 From Steve : Replying to "What do you think ab..."
BTW, nicotine is not addictive. The tobacco industry added pyrazines to cigs to make them addictive.
That horrible industry coats the inside of cig paper with arsenic. How nice.
20:16:52 From Steve : The full name of the receptors is:
alpha7 nicotinic acetyl choline receptor.
20:17:25 From Carol Willis : Ayurveda core practice: Neti Pot with warm saline solution, clears out the mucus, clarifies the mind also
20:18:55 From Joel B. Peterson : Reacted to "Ayurveda core practi..." with ❤️
20:19:01 From Joel B. Peterson : Reacted to "The full name of the..." with ❤️
20:19:25 From Steve : Instead of the Neti pot I'm going to make a nasal spray with spore probiotics.
According to Dr. Klinghardt the nasal microbiome is more complex than the microbiota of the GI tract.
20:20:04 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Steve: Agreed. In some respects the nasal cavity experiences more pathogens…
20:20:06 From Joel B. Peterson : Replying to "What do you think ab..."
20:20:17 From Joel B. Peterson : Reacted to "Nicotine receptor ha..." with ❤️
20:20:22 From Joel B. Peterson : Removed a ❤️ reaction from "The full name of the..."
20:20:34 From Joel B. Peterson : Reacted to "Instead of the Neti ..." with ❤️
20:21:57 From wayne : What is the effect on the overall immune system if we, say, spray iodine in our nose when exposed to COVID?
20:22:55 From Carol Willis : Part of the benefit of Neti Pot 16 oz once or twice, is lavage, not spray. Order of magnitude difference, though you may want to do the probiotic spray as a 2nd level process.
20:24:42 From Steve : Klinghardt suggests alternating therapies. One day (e.g.) iodine, next day probiotic.
20:24:43 From Carol Willis : Few things will weaken the immune system as much as being even marginally hypothyroid
20:25:38 From Martha Stark, MD : Reacted to "What is the effect o..." with 👍
20:26:46 From Jennifer L. : I have Myasthenia Gravis where the acetylcholine receptors in muscles are closed and don't allow messages from brain to be received. How does this evening's conversation about Acetylcholine receptors relate to those of us with MG - does it make us more vulnerable to viruses and infections?
20:28:13 From Steve : Replying to "I have Myasthenia Gr..."
Jennifer, how long have you had this condition? Do you take any pharma drug that ends in ….pril?
20:34:38 From Louise Vogel : -What about the breath test?
20:35:26 From Scott's S21 : Isn't the h pylori breathe test more accurate?
20:35:41 From Scott's S21 : Switch to Quest, do they offer the h pylori test?
20:36:42 From Steve : ULTA/Quest does have breath and stool tests
20:39:35 From Willie Williams : I appreciate being apart of this call. I have a question/concern that I would hope to get your opinions on.
My father has had issues with the nerves in his mouth for about the last 6 years. His tongue is constantly out of his mouth, constantly moving. He owns a business, and when he has a lot going on his tongue and mouth tells you.
2 years before his tongue started reacting this way, he received a surgery which removed muscle mass from his shoulder. Since, he has been given a hand full of medicines (unfortunately I do not have the names) but they range from anti-psychotics to steroids to Botox.. all failed. Mis-diagnosed Tardive Dyskinesia, MRIs came up empty, Parkinsons also ruled out.
I would only like hopefully understand why he is still experiencing this. He has completely given up and currently lives with his tongue out always, in front of people and customers and living very uncomfortably but accepts it due to not receiving any answers from multiple opinions.
Thank you for reading and thank you @Louise Vogel
20:40:14 From Carol Willis : Wonder if Ammonium Muriaticum homeopathic would be helpful in treating H. pylori
20:40:33 From Jennifer L. : Steve, 15 years. Fortunately, it has remained mild, so I haven't had to take meds.
20:42:38 From Lynn McGaha : My bioresonance machine, a Metatron Hunter 4025, would show h pylori.
20:43:26 From Martha Stark, MD : Reacted to "I appreciate being a..." with 👍
20:44:07 From Joel B. Peterson : Reacted to "I appreciate being a..." with 🙏
20:45:10 From Steve : Replying to "My bioresonance mach..."
This device reminds me of the physiospect machine
20:46:48 From Linda Anderson : Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) .. $50 blood test at
20:47:05 From Steve : Reacted to "I appreciate being a..." with 👍
20:47:24 From Joy Gentle : Reacted to "I appreciate being a..." with 👍
20:47:39 From Joel B. Peterson : I use Ultrazyme, Digestzyme, and Wobenzym’N for those reasons!
20:48:29 From Doris Fellenz : What is the best digestive enzyme?
20:48:54 From Scott's S21 :
20:50:09 From Jennifer L. : Can Canadians do the Labcore blood test for HP?
20:51:50 From Lynn McGaha : Wasn't the LabCorp H. Pylori test part of the JUly HRP special?
20:54:18 From Carol Willis : free T3 is the end of the metabolic line. If free-T3 is not optimal, then there can be a genetic DIO1 or DIO2 T4 to T3 conversion problem.
20:55:23 From laura : Could ingesting methylene blue orally get rid of H. Pylori?
20:55:28 From Jennifer L. : Gastro doc told me I don't hve H Pylori after I recently had a colonoscopy - can I rely on that result? I have major dysbiosis and Leaky gut!
20:56:11 From Martha Stark, MD : Do you recommend Bravo’s “fermented colostrum and probiotic complex” or the “fermented colostrum and probiotic complex”? Is one more effective than the other? I want to avail myself of the very nice 25% discount that you have gotten for us!
20:56:31 From Joel B. Peterson : @Doris Fellenz , Dr Kelley recomends Solo-Zyme, 360 to a bottle! I like Douglas UltraZyme, Designs for Health’s DigestZyme, and I like Wobenzym-N
20:56:39 From laura : Also....could rectal insufflation of ozone get rid of H. Pylori?
20:57:19 From Steve : Replying to "Gastro doc told me I..."
Isn't h.p mostly in the stomach? The opscopy certainly didn't traverse that far.....
20:57:45 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "Also....could rectal..."
Laura – What a cool idea!
20:58:15 From Jennifer L. : I've been using Zach Bush's ION orally for Leaky Gut and as a nasal spray to improve nasal terrain.
20:58:17 From wg : Did Great Smokies Lab do a test and still do it? Also there is a company that has a product that you take for something like 3 weeks, then stop then repeat..... Does anyone else remember what company that has this? It used to have a very colorful catalog.....I just cannot remember as this was maybe 15 years ago. How about Standard Process products.....?
20:58:23 From Steve : Replying to "Also....could rectal..."
will the ozone get to the stomach?
20:58:59 From Linda Anderson : is drusen considered anti-microbial plaque
20:59:05 From laura : Replying to "Also....could rectal..."
As I understand it, rectal insufflation has a systemic effect
21:00:35 From wg : Seems like I also remember something that you swallow and then can pull it back up and out of the stomach and it can tell if H, pyori is in there.
21:01:28 From Electron Stealer : Replying to "Do you recommend Bra..."
What was the discount code?
21:02:35 From Joy Gentle : Replying to "Do you recommend Bra..."
21:02:40 From Steve : Replying to "I've been using Zach..."
Looks like it's fluvic/humic acids. Do you spray that into your nose?
21:02:48 From Electron Stealer : Reacted to "lewis25" with ❤️
21:03:03 From Electron Stealer : Replying to "Do you recommend Bra..."
Thanks Joy
21:03:11 From Nicole : What do you do to treat H Pylori?
21:03:50 From wg : Don't organisms become less virulent each time they mutate..... to eventually reach symbiosis....
21:04:30 From Jennifer L. : Replying to "I've been using Zach..."
Yes, fluvic/humic - yes, I spray it up each nostril.
21:04:59 From Joel B. Peterson : Reacted to "I've been using Zach..." with ❤️
21:05:03 From Joel B. Peterson : Reacted to "Looks like it's fluv..." with ❤️
21:05:07 From Joel B. Peterson : Reacted to "Yes, fluvic/humic - ..." with ❤️
21:07:17 From Martha Stark, MD To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : At 8:39 pm this evening, Willie Williams (new to our group, I believe) asked a thoughtful question about his dad. Will you be able to answer it for him? …although, admittedly, it is not immediately relevant to our current conversation.
21:08:16 From Jennifer L. : Dr. Harshfield, I learned that when I tap my thymus at the start of an MG episode, it stops the episode. I told my neurologist about this, thot he would be super interested, but he waved his hand at me "Nah, that's not possible, the thymus gland is almost inactive after mid-age.
21:08:22 From Steve : Hasn't it been stated here that sometimes the body cannot produce an IgM response?
21:09:16 From wg : As a Tx: why not periodic induced diarrhea to clear out the gut.or increased temp
21:09:43 From Martha Stark, MD To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Thank you, Tom! That was very sweet…
21:13:26 From Joel B. Peterson : Am I correct, that would be an Atlas reset!
21:13:42 From Willie Williams : Thank you 🙏
21:14:53 From Shoshanna : Thank you! ☺️
21:16:28 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "As a Tx: why not pe..."
wg – What a creative thought!
21:16:29 From Linda Anderson : Dr Harshfield… comments on birth trauma, cranial sacral adjustments in infants
21:17:42 From Willie Williams : Thank you and I appreciate you.
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