The Battlefield of the Mind | Shane Tenney [July 15th, 2023]

10 months ago

Personal Revival, Nation Awakening & Generational Reformation

"We cannot think one thing and will another. The single act of willing starts a chain reaction that affects our entire thinking process. Renewing the mind is not a matter of learning new ideas but of willing to believe what we already know." -A. W. Tozer

We have to make up our minds in this present cultural fight of which side we are going to take, the Lord’s or the anti christ spirit at work. We are far past just being “normal” Christians sitting on the side lines and playing “church” being distracted by religion while the culture around us falls in the hands of lawlessness. It is time for the Ekklesia to take a stand in her authority and restrain evil. To do this we must first believe we can, and believe that is what Lord Jesus would have us to do. Faith is what satan attacks, and what you believe in your mind will strengthen your faith. That is why the battlefield is in the mind.

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