Oral Roberts

1 year ago

Granville Oral Roberts was a Pentecostal "faith healer" and evangelist ordained in both the Pentecostal Holiness and United Methodist churches. Roberts was raised in Ada, OK, just north of Paris, TX. Southern Oklahoma is where both Roy E. Davis and Branham's mother called "home." Roy Davis pastored a church in Idabel when he was promoting the Ku Klux Klan. Roberts was inspired by Branham to become a faith healer.

Like Branham, Roberts claimed to have felt "vibrations in his hand" to detect illness. During early versions of Branham's stage persona, Branham claimed to have felt "vibrations" strong enough that he needed a luxurious Longines watch.

Roberts was one of the many "Voice of Healing" evangelists included in Branham's "Voice of Healing" publication] collaborating with the Branham campaigns as late as 1964. Branham and Roberts were connected through Demos Shakarian's Full Gospel Business Men's International and held conventions for the FGBMI all throughout the United States.[Roberts, Branham, and the FGBMI were involved with the National Prayer Breakfasts for "The Family".

William Branham frequently endorsed Robert's ministry. On many occasions, Branham admitted that Oral Roberts was more familiar with the Bible than himself and could "tie Satain in such a place till he just can't get out of it".

Now, Divine healing, teaching it…Tommy Osborn, and Tommy Hicks, Oral Roberts, many of the other teachers across the world, and Mr. Bosworth, F. F. Bosworth who's one of my field managers…They're great scholars on the Scripture. And they're top men, learned men. And they can take a Scripture and tie Satan in such a place till he just can't get out of it. That's all. I might not be able to do that.
- William Branham

William Branham used Oral Roberts and Billy Graham as key figures in his Manifested Sons of God theology. While suggesting that he (Branham) was the manifestation of God as the "called-out Abraham", Branham claimed that Roberts and Graham were the Biblical "two witnesses" (Rev 11) sent into Sodom. This, Branham claimed was due to the number of letters in their names; Branham claimed that Roberts and Graham's six characters were significant, but hinted at the fact that the seven letters in "Branham" was more significant.

Now you take Luke 17:30 and read it. Jesus said, 'As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man.' Just like it was at Sodom. Now, look at the position of the world today: Sodomites. Look at that Billy Graham and Oral Roberts, them two witnesses, down there witnessing to the denominational churches. One to the Methodist, Baptist, and Presbyterian; the other to the Pentecostals. This one, that one, and the other one. But remember, Abraham wasn't in Sodom, he was already called out.
- William Branham

Oral Roberts:

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