Leave the People Alone... Arrest The W.E.F. Nazi Globalist Elite For their Crimes Against Humanity!

8 months ago

Leave the People Alone... Arrest The Globalist Elite For their Weapons of Mass Destruction. The Globalist W.E.F. Have put these weapons, they designed and paid for in many nations. But we the people... the ordinary people don't want to kill each other. We don't want the Elites Weapons. WE DON'T WANT THEIR WEAPONS. WE DON'T WANT THEIR WARS.

The only solution is to arrest these W.E.F. Globalist Elite and their war mongering puppets. For their manipulation of the nations, for their killing of millions of precious people. These Nazi Fascist Communist Psychopath Serial Killers need to be arrested and taken before a Nuremberg type trial in International Criminal Court. Nuremberg 2.0. We are witnessing a worldwide HOLOCAUST from these power hungry, freedom stealing W.E.F Tyrannical Demigods, who think they are gods... and the ordinary people are as cattle to them... to kill as they please.

The W.E.F. would destroy the whole planet if we don't stop them now. So let's stop them now. There are over 7.1 Billion people on the planet... there is but a few of them. They are not gods... but killers... who will not stop until they have killed 90% of the humanity! This is not a joke. We all need to be involved in stopping them. We the ordinary people of the world love each other. We carry no ill will toward the common men and women in other nations... not at all.

Link to actual file for PDF... https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R46925 This PDF file is ONLINE for all to see. This is not classified.

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